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Saturday 26 March 2011

Info Post
Wet Seal dress (worn as a top); Target gloves; Express tights; everything else is vintage.
Hello! Sorry for not posting sooner; things have been pretty busy lately. Anyway, these pictures were taken at the hotel where I stayed at during MBFW. It was such a gorgeous venue! It strongly reminded me of Professor Kirke's house in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; so big and extensive and quaint with little niches and obscure rooms. Everything was decorated in an old-fashioned, Victorian manner, with Persian carpets, fainting couches, and old paintings. We stumbled across this piano in a lounge/conference room on our first exploration of the hotel. (I actually wore this outfit on the train to NYC.)
Not much time to ramble on this post; I want to respond to all of your comments and get to bed at a decent hour! (It's 11:30 p.m. here)
Mwah! Mwah!
~Hope Adela


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