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Monday 4 June 2012

Info Post
 PINK CHAMPAGNE FASHION vintage dress: Clothes Vine turban; Atomic Warehouse vintage green bakelite bangles and ring; Charlotte Russe shoes; vintage brass belt, bangles, earrings, and dragon brooch.
I've always been enamored by the color green. You can read more about my obsession in this post from nearly a year ago. Wow, I can't believe I wore that outfit so recently---it's amazing how quickly one's style can develop in 12 months. What I didn't mention in last year's blog post, was that I wore said ensemble to Sunday morning church service...not my parents church that we regularly attended (and where the congregation was accustomed to my crazy outfits), but to a completely different church we visited for the day. Hey, it was Draco Malfoy's birthday, and I wasn't about to back out of wearing a strange green snake outfit!
Speaking of church, last night I dreamed that I was visiting my parents' church. I was wearing this ridiculous floor-dragging skirt and green cape, with a 1940s flower pot style hat, and giant floral platforms. Needless to say, I was stumbling all over the place and tripping over my hemline. Perhaps that dream was based on reality. 
You can buy this dress on my Etsy store for just $34.99!
Mwah! Mwah!
~Hope Adela


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