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Saturday, 19 February 2011

Info Post
Wet Seal top; Simply Vera Vera Wang shoes; costume shop hat; Miss Ruth's Time Bomb earrings; Target pink ring; vintage skirt, belt, pearls, and blue ring.
HELLO, PEOPLE! I am so sorry to have not posted in such a long time; things have been SO busy. And no, busy (this time) dosn't fall under the usual "I was swamped with homework" excuse. In this situation, busy means that I went to New York City to report on Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week for What a breathtaking, eye-opening, out of body experience! It was so fantastic. I don't have a lot of time now (and here enters one of my typical "I'm swamped with homework" excuses) to tell you about the trip, but I will include a link to an interview about my trip on Chictopia. One of my favorite parts of the trip was the huge amount of street style photographers who took pictures of me! I even ended up on, and was named BE Entertained Magazine's BEauty of the Day.
On top of that, I've aquired many new electronic gadets these past few weeks. For months, I've been planning to purchase a laptop, camera, and cell phone: these hazy furistic goals were made a reality in preparation for the trip. I know it might not sound very exciting, but I am pretty stoked to be able to type this post on my very own computer.
I hope to be MUCH more attentive to my blog in the future. I want to make PINK CHAMPAGNE the best blog it can possibly be!
Mwah! Mwah!
~Hope Adela


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