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Saturday, 12 November 2011

Info Post
Forever21 black lace bustier and crystal chandelier earrings; gifted shoes; vintage black net poncho, skirt, and necklaces.
"Oh, the heads that turn
Make my back burn
And those heads that turn 
Make my back, make my back burn."
As a self-confessed attention whore, it's rare that gossip ever truly gets to me. I actually find it quite humorous and occasionally flattering when people talk about me, good or bad. However, there comes and time and place when the chatter is so mindless, the rumors so unwarranted and contextually warped, the overall response so ridiculous and hypocritical, that whispers behind fingers and voices behind closed doors become an irritating and unwanted nuisance.
"I'm sure in her you'll find
I've known for a long time that the only person who will genuinely always be there for me is myself. To borrow a quote from a favorite childhood book, Mara, Daughter of the Nile: "Look after yourself, girl. No one else will." The place of safety, the only Sanctuary, is within myself.
Mwah! Mwah!
~Hope Adela 
P.S. I am not going Goth, nor am I depressed! This was a hasty attempt at a 1960's Biba look.


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